Welcome to our play-based morning PreK and Kindergarten in the heart of downtown Carrboro.
Welcome! We are a small play-based morning school in a cozy little house in the heart of downtown Carrboro. We’ve been proudly providing high-quality early childhood education since 2005. Our program serves children ages 3 ½ to 6 years. Little House Playschool offers a PreK and Kindergarten during the academic year and summer camps during the summer months.
Little House Playschool is a creative, hands-on, and “messy” school. We go shirtless in hot weather, and we dig our fingers and toes into the mud. We spend a lot of time outdoors every day, regardless of the weather. Our clothes get splattered with paint, and our skin streaked with garden soil. A mess? Absolutely! That’s what water play is for–and we play in the water every chance we get!
At Little House Playschool, you will find:
- Loving teachers, silliness, and friendships
- Tree stumps, mud puddles, and water play
- Dice and dominoes, sight word bingo, counting bears and silly sentence strips
- Paint, puzzles and open-ended toys
- Dress-up corner, story weaving, and quiet reading nooks
- Pirates, fairies and dragons
- Disco dance parties and glitter
- Banana phones and our mascot, Rubber Chicken!
Little House Playschool is a happy place that invites exploration, nurtures play and ignites creative thinking. Our kids love coming to school!
We believe in nurturing and valuing children and bringing families together to create community. We see each child as an individual, and we treasure opportunities to build relationships with every unique family. We are committed to consistent communication with families; we provide regular feedback about the children’s progress. We love to share stories about their accomplishments as well as simple, funny tidbits about the school day.
We encourage parents and family members to ask questions, to brainstorm, and to “wonder out loud” with us. The result is relationships that last a lifetime, and we feel fortunate to have created such a strong school community.