
Learning is fun! Our Kindergarten program (“KinderKids”) is available to rising Kindergarteners looking for an alternative to traditional schooling.  KinderKids offers an ideal environment for learning, where children have the freedom to follow their learning interests:   

  • We teach early literacy, early numeracy, and early writing skills in individual and small group settings.
  • We provide differentiated instruction to challenge and support each child and meet them where they are in their development and interests.  
  • We use a collaborative approach to learning, which keeps children curious, engaged, and actively invested in their own ongoing development.
  • Like all of our programs, KinderKids is play-based and is woven into our regular school culture. We provide ample opportunities for art, for stories, and for nurturing friendships. And KinderKids get plenty of time outside; to run, to jump, to climb–and to just be kids!

Skill Development

We carefully support and guide each child’s skill development in the following key areas:

  • Literacy. We draw primarily from Fundations, the phonics-based literacy curriculum taught in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools (“CHCCS”) and in most private schools in our area.
  • Math. We teach students number sense through instruction, games, manipulatives, and real-world explorations. Our teachings are compatible with the CHCCS curriculum.
  • Writing. We give children daily opportunities to develop their writing skills. Our fun Writing Club time encourages children to exercise their imaginations and practice putting their stories down on paper. They begin by expressing their ideas as drawings; they then add letter sounds, then words, and then eventually sentences and complete stories.  Kids really love this time!

Of course, when it comes to academics, parent involvement and dialogue with educators is key, so we look forward to collaborating with you regarding your child’s experience with the KinderKids curriculum.

KinderKids Daily Schedule:  

8:30 –  10:00KinderKids: Math and literacy instructional time, and Circle Time
10:30- 11:40 Entire school snack time, outdoor time, free play and art exploration
11:40- 12:00KinderKids:  Writing Club and story time
12:00- 12:30Entire school lunch and free play 

S:  These math games are making my brain so happy.

Rachel:  You’re keeping your brain in great shape.

S:  Yeah.  Right now it’s in the shape of a heart.


“She sings the praises of the games played and the books read and the books written, all with unnoticed (to her) educational value. In her own words, “Rachel makes learning fun!”. I so appreciate the attention you give to the whole child, not just the academic needs. I love that she has been able to play so much this year, and to learn about relationships and teamwork and all that goes into that as well as the more traditional school learning.”

 “Our daughter’s excitement for learning was contagious this year. She came home bursting with new knowledge and creative stories. The kindergarten program melds intensive, adaptive, tailored tutoring with rollicking fun and multi-age play. It’s the best of all worlds at this little one-room schoolhouse” 

“Our child, ‘H’, who didn’t know all the letters at the beginning of fall, was reading two weeks into school. ‘H’ has gotten a far more personal education this year.”

“Rachel always keeps things fun and was able to work one on one with each student finding individual learning techniques.”

“The daily notes from Ms. Rachel and the stories from my daughter are filled with creativity, learning from nature, getting in the mud, painting outdoors, circle time, and writing club.  She is learning the foundations of math and language that she needs to be prepared for first grade next year, and has been exposed to some concepts that she wouldn’t have gotten to until 1st or 2nd grade!  ‘E’ loves her school, her teachers, and all she gets to do while at LHP.”