School Kidz After School program for K-5

The School Kidz program has always been a very special part of Little House. 

As with all of our programs, School Kidz is child-led, teacher-supported. School Kidz is largely unstructured time for kids to unwind after a busy school day, hang out with friends and explore a new idea or project. Teachers are there to support kids’ interests, enjoy their company, help facilitate new friendships and to offer a range of optional teacher-led activities. 

What might the kids expect from their afternoons? We follow the lead of the kids, but depending on their interests we might: make paper mache puppets, tye dye t-shirts, explore watercolor and acrylic painting, do a deep dive into how computers work, make origami animals, set up a field day event, organize a food drive, have a salad bar party from our garden, construct forts from bamboo, write and perform a show complete with props and programs…. 

School Kidz has a crazy low ratio; two teachers and 16 children K-5. This unusually low ratio creates community, allows more opportunity for teachers and kids to connect, and allows everyone more time and space for a wide range of more involved activities. Pretty much, it’s all about having fun together. It’s what we do best.

Little House Playschool is located directly across the street from Carrboro Elementary School. School Kidz teachers walk the children over from CES each afternoon. Children attending schools other than Carrboro provide their own transportation. 

In a nutshell:

  • School Kidz teachers walk kids from Carrboro Elementary. Children attending schools other than CES provide their own transportation
  • Monday through Friday afternoons during the school year. We closely follow the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools schedule.
  • Hours:  2:30-6 pm
  • Ratio: two teacher/16 kids
  • Sign up for one to five days per week (not a drop-in program). Families commit to the full school year and pay by the semester. Payment plans available on request.
  • Pricing $26/day (same rate as it has been for the last four years). No charge for holidays or Teacher Work Days. No refunds for days missed due to travel or illness.
  • Homework assistance.
  • Free range kids!