School Culture and Philosophy

Play-Based Approach.

Little House Playschool is committed to child-initiated, child-directed, and teacher-supported play, which is developmentally appropriate for young children, and is foundational to our program. Through play and the freedom to explore, children are offered abundant opportunities to develop emotional, physical, social and intellectual skills that will last a lifetime. It is our mission to provide an inviting learning environment that supports exploration, cooperation, creativity and problem solving…all while having fun together!  Our days with the kids are both silly and rewarding. We are charmed and amused daily.

Social and Emotional Learning.

We believe a solid foundation of social and emotional skills is vital for growing happy humans as well as for building a healthy community. We teach children love through attention, empathy, and respectful social interactions. We guide children while they are learning and give them the reins as their confidence leads the way. To develop their skills, children need plenty of opportunities to interact, to explore, and to take risks. To confront tricky challenges and to find ingenious solutions. To practice independent problem-solving because it creates confident, empowered and happy children. To learn how to manage and regulate difficult emotions, to listen respectfully to others and to honor differences. To lean hard on their creativity and to express themselves authentically. And to realize their emotional resilience. When children trust that they can manage life’s challenges, they are free to explore, to play, and to see and find joy and humor in the world!    

Our Core Values:

  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Community
  • Self-awareness
  • Curiosity
  • Independence
  • Joy

 Mixed-Age Approach.

Our PreK and KinderKids programs are structured to offer students a balance of same-age and mixed-age groupings to enhance their learning- and fun! Our experience has taught us that mixed-age groupings benefit all of our students, the “Youngers” AND the “Olders” alike. Mixed-age groupings represent a unique opportunity for children across the age spectrum to practice vital social and emotional skills like collaboration, cooperation and camaraderie. We love our family grouping and so do the kids! And on a practical note, mixed-age grouping is a positive way to offer siblings the opportunity to attend school together!


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”- Benjamin Disraeli